Welcome to my blog :)


सोमवार, 5 मार्च 2007

Here I go!!

Hello friends,

It's been a while since I wrote....But my loving sister and daughter have been after me to post my writings..or should I say my thoughts.......

I guess their love for me made me tell yes.........and here I am.

I will be posting a few of my poems which have been written during different occasions..most of them during my college days........the days which are full of dreams and every single person cherishes..........

3 टिप्‍पणियां:

Unknown ने कहा…

wonderful collection of poems. Do keep posting such poems.

.:: ROSH ::. ने कहा…

Welcome to Blogosphere, your poems are wonderful. Totally loved it!

Apperna ने कहा…

Thanx for the comments Bindu and Rosh.Your comments will help me a lot in my writing .So do keep the comments coming